We demonstrate the use of a C++ algorithmic differentiation library and show how it can be used with the R programming language to solve problems in optimization, MCMC and beyond. We hope such integrations will enable package developers to produce robust efficient code by overcoming the need to produce functions that compute gradients.
R package development, algorithmic-differentiation, Rcpp
Algorithm differentiation (AD), also known as automatic-differentiation, has found wide use in machine leaning and statistics. As the name suggest AD allows for the automatic computation of derivatives, removing the need to painstakingly derive there expressions. We present a brief overview of AD and demonstrate how it can be used in package development.
AD allows for fast computation of function gradients through repeated application of the chain rule. For a detailed introduction to AD we direct the reader to Gebremedhin (2020). There are two modes of AD: forward mode and reverse mode. Throughout our explanation of these modes we will consider the function, \[ f(x_1, x_2) = \exp(x_1 + x_2) + \sin(x_1 + x_2), \] where \(x_1,x_2 \in \mathbb{R}\). The computation graph for \(f\) is presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Computation graph for \(f(x_1, x_2)\). Operations above vertices represent the function applied to the previous node
Forward mode AD involves propagation of derivatives with the evaluation of the function. For instance, we can break our example function, \(f\), into a sequence of elemental operations, presented in the first column of Table 1. As these elemental operations have known derivatives we can compute expression for them, presented in the third column of Table 1. For instance, consider \(\partial f/\partial x_1\) evaluated as \(x_1=0.5\) and \(x_2=1\), we can compute both the gradient and function evaluations, as presented in columns two and four resp.
Function | Gradient | Derivative wrt. \(x_1\) | |
\(v_{-1} = x_1\) | \(= 0.5\) | \(\dot{v}_{-1} = \dot{x}_1\) | \(= 1\) |
\(v_{0} = x_2\) | \(= 1\) | \(\dot{v}_{0} = \dot{x}_2\) | \(= 0\) |
\(v_{1} = v_{-1} + v_0\) | \(= 1.5\) | \(\dot{v}_{1} = \dot{v}_{-1} + \dot{v}_0\) | \(= 1\) |
\(v_{2} = \exp(v_1)\) | \(= 4.4817\) | \(\dot{v}_{2} = \exp(v_1)*\dot{v}_1\) | \(=4.4817\) |
\(v_{3} = \sin(v_1)\) | \(= 0.9975\) | \(\dot{v}_{3} = \cos(v_1)*\dot{v}_1\) | \(=0.0707\) |
\(v_{4} = v_2 + v_3\) | \(= 5.4792\) | \(\dot{v}_{4} = \dot{v}_2 + \dot{v}_3\) | \(=4.5524\) |
\(y = v_4\) | \(= 5.4791\) | \(\dot{y} = \dot{v}_4\) | \(=4.5524\) |
Table 1. Forward mode AD for \(f\).
Notably, for a function \(g : \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^m\), forward mode AD requires \(n\) passess to compute the derivative wrt. to each input.
Reverse mode AD involves computing derivatives by starting from the function value \(y\) and traversing the computation graph in reverse towards the independent variables \(x\) (Gebremedhin 2020). Unlike forward mode, derivatives are not pragated alongside the evaluation of the functions. Instead, we first evaluate the function and then compute the derivatives. Continuing with our example, we denomstrate the steps involved in reverse mode AD for \(f(x_1, x_2)\), as before we have taken \(x_1=0.5\) and \(x_2=1\).
Noting that unlike forward mode AD, we evaluate the gradient for both \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) in one pass. Hence, for functions \(f: \mathbb{R}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^m\) it is more efficient to use reverse mode AD when \(n>m\).
Gradients (or Adjoints) | Value |
\(\bar{v}_{4} = \bar{y}\) | \(=1\) |
\(\bar{v}_{3} += \bar{v}_5\) | \(=1\) |
\(\bar{v}_{2} += \bar{v}_5\) | \(=1\) |
\(\bar{v}_{1} += \cos(v_1)*\bar{v}_3\) | \(=0.0707\) |
\(\bar{v}_{1} += \exp(v_1)*\bar{v}_2\) | \(=4.5524\) |
\(\bar{v}_{0} += \bar{v}_1\) | \(=4.5524\) |
\(\bar{v}_{-1} += \bar{v}_1\) | \(=4.5524\) |
\(x_{1} = \bar{v}_0\) | \(=4.5524\) |
\(x_{2} = \bar{v}_{-1}\) | \(=4.5524\) |
Table 2. Reverse mode AD for \(f\).
To illustrate the use of AD for R package deleopment we have provided an accompanying repository, available at https://github.com/mkomod/user21_ex. To perform AD we rely on the CppAD library (CppAD). Noting we have included the source for the library under the ./inst/include
directory of our package. Further we use Rcpp
to expose C++ functions to the R environment.
We are going to be considering the function \[
f(x_1, x_2) = \frac{\sin(\sqrt(x_1^2 + x_2^2))}{\sqrt(x_1^2 + x_2^2))}
\] Presented in Figure 2. Our aim is to use AD to find the maxima of \(f\). Figure 2. \(f(x_1, x_2)\)
To begin with we define an objective function of interest in C++, noting we are using Rcpp to expose these functions to the R environment.
using namespace CppAD;
using namespace Eigen;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double fx(VectorXd x) {
double r = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < x.rows(); ++i)
r += x(i) * x(i);
r = sqrt(r);
return sin(r)/r;
We then set up the auto-diff version, noting that we have to use CppAD::AD<double>
objects rather than regular double, similarly for matrices / vectors we use the AD<double>
object in place of double
when declaring matrices / vectors from the Eigen
typedef AD<double> a_double;
typedef Matrix<a_double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> a_vector;
a_double fx(a_vector x) {
a_double r = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < x.rows(); ++i)
r += x(i) * x(i);
r = sqrt(r);
return sin(r)/r;
Within fx
we explicitly write our loops summing variables.
To expose the gradient we create the fp
function, which relies on reverse mode AD through CppAD to compute gradients
// [[Rcpp::export]]
VectorXd fp(VectorXd x)
a_vector ax(x.rows());
a_vector y(1);
ADFun<double> gr;
for (int i = 0; i < x.rows(); ++i)
ax(i) = x(i);
Independent(ax); // declare the elements of x as independent inputs
y(0) = fx(ax); // begin trace (for reverse mode AD), this creates the
// computation graph
gr.Dependent(ax, y); // stop recording
return gr.Jacobian(x); // return the Jacobian
Using Rcpp we compile and expose the fx
and fp
, making them directly available in R. We can use the built-in optim
function to find maxima,
x <- matrix(c(1, 0.2))
optim(x, fx, fp, method="CG", control=list(fnscale=-1))
Returning a maxima at \((5\times 10^{-6}, 1 \times 10^{-6})\) with a function value of \(1\).
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) is a method used to sample from conditional distributions. HMC is most widely used in Bayesian inference, and offers an efficient way to sample from posterior distributions. For a review of HMC we direct the reader to Neal (2011). For our example we consider the model \[ y_i = \beta^\top x_i + \epsilon_i, \quad \epsilon_i \overset{iid}{\sim} N(0, \sigma^2), \quad i = 1, \dots, n, \] where \(\beta, x_i \in \mathbb{R}^p\) are vectors of coefficients and explanatory variables respectively.
Denoting our observed data as \(\mathcal{D} = (y_i, x_i)_{i=1}^n\) and letting \(\beta^\top = (0, 2)\) and \(\sigma=1\), we generate \(n=20\) observations. For our prior on \(\beta\), we let \[ \beta_j \sim N(0, \sigma^2_\beta), \quad j = 1, 2, \] with \(\sigma_\beta=5\)
To perform HMC we compute \[ U(\beta; \mathcal{D}) = \log \left( L(\mathcal{D}; \beta) \pi(\beta) \right) \] where \(L(\beta; \mathcal{D})\) is our likelihood function and \(\pi(\beta)\) the density function of our prior. We presented the implementation of \(U(\beta; \mathcal{D})\) below
a_double U(a_vector beta, VectorXd y, MatrixXd x, double s,
VectorXd mu_beta, VectorXd s_beta)
a_double l = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < y.rows(); ++i) {
a_double m = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < beta.rows(); ++j) {
m += beta(j) * x(i, j);
l += log(1/(sqrt(2.0*PI)*s)) - pow((y(i)-m)/s, 2)*0.5;
l += log_p(beta, mu_beta, s_beta);
return l;
As before, we have been explicit in computing sums to ensure the computation graph can be constructed.
For the sake of brevity we do not present the code exporting the gradient of \(U\), noting it is essentially identical as in the previous example. To implement HMC we use boilerplate code by (Neal 2011), also available online.
Running our Markov chain for \(10,000\) iterations we obtain posterior samples for \(\beta_1\) and \(\beta_2\). We present the joint and marginal density is Figure 3.
Figure 3. Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
Noting that the modes of the marginal densities are approximately at \(0.0\) and \(2.0\) as expected.
The intention of this second example is to demonstrate that we can perform MCMC by specifying an objective function. We can then use off-the-shelf code to run our HMC sampler and avoid having to derive gradients by using AD. A further attractive feature of AD is that we only need to test one function; if our objective is correct, then our gradient function will also be correct.
In recent years there has been a push to bring AD to R natively, for example, projects such as Pqr have extended R’s core functionality to include AD (Neal 2021). We have presented an alternative option for computing gradients in R through Rcpp and CppAD. Evidently, the requirement of external libraries does not allow for wide scale use, however, we hope such options will encourage package developers to bring AD into their projects.